Amandine Pellissard and her husband drugged in a bar: the details of their scary evening

Like an air of vacation! Amandine and Alexandre Pellissard have decided to give themselves a little romantic weekend recently, without their eight children, in Barcelona. On the program: walks, beach, restaurants… Everything was there for the couple to have a good time. But, an event came to spoil their stay.

Through a live Instagram, the star of Large families, life in XXL explained having spent a very bad first evening in the city of Spain. “I would like to talk to you about something very important, if you are going on vacation there or for the weekend. Make a mistake! The first evening, we passed in front of an atmospheric café which looked super nice, right in the middle of las ramblas, and in fact we fell into a con trap“, explained Amandine.

We felt very muddy

Alpagated by a tout, she and Alexandre let themselves be seduced by the establishment to have a drink there, but what they found there was nothing pleasant. “We are offered a mojito but we wanted something else and so we prepare our drinks. But what we found odd is that we don’t prepare our drinks at the bar. They prepared it behind the kitchen. Well, there were people, so we do not psychote. With Alex we drink our glass. And we weren’t even half that I felt like there was something in it. Alex tells me he felt weird too. And in fact, they screwed us a thing in the glass these fools“, she revealed, thinking of strong drugs like “GHB or something that disinhibits and makes you lose your feet“.”We felt it right away. We felt very muddy, it was not normal“, she clarified.

Amandine Pellissard therefore encourages her community to always keep an eye open in the evening because this practice would unfortunately be too common. “It’s a con catch because they don’t cash you right away. You take a drink, then another etc… At the end, after 3-4 glasses full of stuff, you end up completely broke and then they give you a bill of 2000 euros. It’s a trick to scam tourists“, was indignant the mother.

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