Amandine Pellissard and Alexandre “very very open”: intimate revelations about their sex life

No taboo for Amandine Pellissard. In addition to sharing his daily life in Large families, life in XXL (TF1) or on Instagram, the mother – who is at the head of a tribe of eight children – confides in her private life during interviews. And when the one she gave for Entertainment TVshe did not hesitate to pour out on an intimate subject.

As part of his show At Jordan’s (for Entertainment TV), presenter Jordan De Luxe asked Amandine Pellissard about her sex life with her husband Alexandre. He wished to know if, after many years and eight children, they still had a fulfilling sex life. “We are like all couples. We all know ups and downs. In particular, we had a bit of a low last year“, she explained. Blame it on routine or more trying times. But with “cat-dick” (the charming nickname of her husband), they have “knew how to totally reassemble and revitalize” the situation. “There are times when we cuddle less. But there on the other hand since… We fought each other once, but since then it’s festival. When a couple is doing well, both in their relationship and in sex, it’s parents who are also doing well.“, she continued.

Curious, the presenter then wanted to know what requests from Alexander she could refuse. “I refuse nothing. Everything is possible with my husband. We are very very open on this side“, she said. And to specify that they sometimes used accessories in particular. “He ties me up, he hides my eyes. We do a lot of stuff… He likes it. We are having fun. We are a very fulfilled couple“, she concluded the subject in front of a very embarrassed Jordan Deluxe.

The mother, who faces six months in prison, also took the opportunity to respond to Internet users who accuse her of speaking badly to her husband and of being a “castrating woman“. She first assured that Alexander had recently become emancipated and that he was much less shy in front of the cameras. “But it’s true that at the beginning he was so introverted in front of the cameras, that it seemed like he was like that and that he was crushed by a castrating woman, which I am absolutely not“, she justified herself.

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