Amandine Pellissard: After her hospitalization, her husband Alexandre speaks about his complicated treatment

On Thursday, April 28, Alexander Pellissard had a great scare. Suddenly, he noticed that one of his legs was swelling at breakneck speed. Neither one nor two, he went to the emergency room to consult. And quickly, he was diagnosed with phlebitis, due to the presence of a blood clot in a vein. The father of eight children was then placed on anticoagulant injections to take care of oneself. A treatment to which he did not react very well as he confided during a live Instagram made over the weekend.

The injections gave me heart palpitations and breathlessness“, explained the candidate of Large families, life in XXL (TF1). And to reassure despite everything: “There, it’s better, but these last three days, I was very tired“.

However, Alexandre is not completely out of the woods yet because he will have to go to the hospital again in the coming weeks. And for good reason, he must have surgery there “in mid-May” to get rid of the clot that is blocking his circulation. In the meantime, Amandine Pellissard has indicated that her husband should wear compression stockings.

As a reminder, the latter was absent when Alexandre understood that something was wrong. The candidate who became an influencer was indeed in Paris to shoot a new video with her friend Jeremstar. She then returned in disaster during the day to join her family. “The little ones are worried too. I reassure them as well as possible and occupy them“, she confided while her other half was still in the emergency room.

It must be said that a case of phlebitis is not to be taken lightly. While often the situation may turn out to be harmless, other times it may cause a pulmonary embolism. Fortunately, everything seems to be getting better slowly but surely for Alexandre, who has regained his smile and his good humor. Traits of character which he shared with his wife during a romantic restaurant outing earlier this week.

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