Amandine Leynaud gives her name to the Vesseaux sports complex

The Vesseaux sports complex was finally inaugurated this Friday evening in the presence of Amadine Leynaud. Between the health crisis and the very busy agenda of the handball champion, it was difficult to find a date Amadine Leynaud has today ended her career as a goalkeeper at the age of 36. She returned to live in her village with her two children. She even chose the house of her childhood: “except that now I sleep in my parents’ room and my children sleep in my room” she says.

The Amandine-Leynaud sports complex

The Amandine-Leynaud sports complex in Vesseaux © Radio France
Pierre-Jean Pluvy

The elected officials did not have much trouble finding the name of their sports complex, which includes a beach soccer field, a mountain bike area and a fitness area.

Usually there are names of dead people, but here I will be able to take advantage of it. I am very touched. Amanda Leynaud.

Amandine Leynaud did not lose her humor during the inauguration. She said she was very touched by this attention and very honored.

Amandine Leynaud kept signing autographs
Amandine Leynaud kept signing autographs © Radio France
Pierre-Jean Pluvy

Amandine Leynaud now lives in Vesseaux. She will certainly train goalkeepers from the Bourg-de-Péage hand club at the start of the school year in September. She could also get involved in the French handball federation.

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