Amanda Sthers: The ex-wife of Patrick Bruel as a couple? This photo that says a lot about her “lover”

Amanda Sthers author more than appreciated is also known for its relations with famous men. Among them Sinclair but also especially Patrick Bruel, father of her children Oscar, born in 2003 and Léon, born in 2005. Today, the writer seems to have found love again, according to a cliché that speaks volumes. It is indeed on the legend of the last Instagram post of Amanda Sthers that our interest was focused. A beautiful photo of her on a boat in Marseille which was obviously taken by her new companion.

Boats I took a lot but the only one who held on, Who never veered, But veered, Sailed like a cushy father On the big duck pond, And was called the Friends first Friends first….“, writes Amanda Sthers quoting Georges Brassens. Then “Singing Georges Brassens on a sailboat.” Followed by a heart emoji and a precision that leaves little room for doubt about his current love life. “Thank you my lover for the photo“, she wrote.

While Patrick Bruel was also on board a sailboat, which was near the coast of Vendée, he has just arrived in Saint-Tropez with his two sons. Indeed He gives a concert which is super sold out at the Ramatuelle Festival, tomorrow evening August 1st.

But who is the lucky one in the heart of Amanda Sthers? Could it be a famous singer again that the writer has succumbed to? So far the mystery belongs to them both as well as to their relatives probably. If she seems happy in her love life, the former wife of Patrick Bruel is just as happy in her life as a mother.

She says more about the education of Oscar and Léon Bruel

Passing through the podcast Go to table by Eleonora Galasso, to promote her latest novel The Suspended Cafe – published by Grasset editions on May 4, 2022 -, she agreed to pour out on the education of his sons Oscar and Léon Bruel.

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