Amanda Bynes: Soon the end of her guardianship?

After Britney Spears it would seem that another actress accustomed to scandals is about to find freedom! This is Amanda Bynes, under guardianship for 9 years now.

The actress’ lawyer David. In Esquibias explained to People that “Amanda wishes to end her guardianship because for her, her condition has improved and this protection is no longer necessary.“The latter also defended his client by stating that she was well and led a healthy life:”She lives by the beach, goes to school and practices meditation.” Indeed, the young woman would invest a lot in her work at the fashion school California’s Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising and his lawyer had estimated last October for People that “Amanda has the soul of an entrepreneur. She works on perfumes. She plans to launch a brand, in addition to a clothing line.

The 35-year-old actress has been under the guardianship of her parents for several years now, but this time she will benefit from their support in order to regain her independence. A first hearing will take place on March 22. A first health report produced in 2021 considered the actress’ request to be legitimate. This decision would put an end to many years of struggles with her parents where the young woman sought to convince of her ability to assume herself. Still at the beginning of 2020, the mother of the actress considered it dangerous to end this guardianship.

The actress, seen in the series What I like about you and the movies hairspray and She’s the Man, had experienced a long period of distress and addiction to drugs and alcohol. In 2013 she was diagnosed with schizophrenia and set fire to a stranger’s house. As a symbol, the young woman had even found love in the person of Paul-Michael, met in rehab. The two lovebirds had announced their engagement in 2020 on Valentine’s Day.

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