Amalia from the Netherlands enters the big leagues: Maxima and Willem-Alexander so proud

The day after her 18th birthday, the Princess Amalia of the Netherlands entered the Dutch Council of State, the government’s highest advisory body. For this extraordinary session which was held on December 8, 2021 at Kneuterdijk Palace in The Hague, the young woman was of course surrounded by her two parents: King Willem-Alexander and his wife, Queen Maxima.

It’s a new phase, I realize it“, declared the Crown Princess on Dutch public television NOS, as reported by AFP. This phase seems”slightly different from my peers“, she added.”But we knew for eighteen years that this would happen“.”I realize how little I know the missions of the government, the evaluation of laws, the functioning of the administration and the function of the judge“, also conceded Amalia.

The fact that Amalia now sits as a full member of the Council of State is her first official function as Crown Princess. But this post is largely ceremonial in nature: although she can now attend Advisory Division meetings every Wednesday afternoon, she does not have the right to vote. King Willem-Alexander is according to the Dutch Constitution President of the Council of State, which is also the highest administrative jurisdiction in the country in certain areas. But if he presides over the institution, he is not involved in the content.

In a biography published in mid-November, simply titled Amalia, the eldest of three daughters of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima had said that she would ask her mother to temporarily take her father’s place on the throne if he suddenly died. Last June, the princess graduated from high school – with honors – from Gymnasium Sorghvliet, a renowned school in The Hague. Before starting her higher education at the start of the next school year, she is currently taking a sabbatical year. It is for this reason that she has temporarily given up her comfortable annual endowment.

She wants to get married and would like to have children. Later.

Recently, the love life of the Crown Princess has found itself in the midst of heated rumors. In Argentina, the country of origin of his mother Maxima, he was lent a secret romance with Prince Gabriel of Belgium (the second child of King Philippe and Queen Mathilde) after the publication of a not very credible photo. At the same time, because she hosted a Pride Day in her class and chose an openly lesbian novelist to write her biography, it was suggested that the Princess of Orange would be drawn to girls rather than boys. .

The big sister of Princesses Alexia and Ariane (16 and 14 years old) herself cut these rumors short in the biography dedicated to her, on the occasion of her 18th birthday. In the book, extracts of which were relayed by the magazine Point of view of December 1, the writer Claudia de Breij writes: “Romantic as she is, she likes boys not to be rough and to be gallant. She wants to get married and would like to have children. Later. So much later. “

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