Alzheimer’s patients banned from driving “as soon as cognitive decline appears”

The text prohibiting driving in particular for people with Alzheimer’s disease, was published this Sunday in the Official Journal. The decree of March 28, 2022 sets the list of compatible or unaccountable illnesses and disabilities, with or without adaptations or restrictions, for obtaining a driving licence. Several million French people are affected by this update of the text.

The text updates in particular “definitive incompatibility with driving for neuro-evolving pathologies such as Alzheimer’s disease and related diseases”. “People with cognitive impairment related to these pathologies should no longer drive as soon as cognitive decline appears”, he specifies.

Wider access to driving depending on the possible layouts

But this order also allows scientific and technological innovations to be taken into account in order to open access to driving, including heavy vehicles, to people with significant physical or hearing disabilities. The “technological technologies have increased the possibilities of fitting out vehicles and equipping drivers”specifies the Ministry of the Interior, which lists the details of the pathologies concerned.

It is the same for people with diabetes, only drivers under treatment with a risk of hypoglycaemia will have to undergo a periodic medical check-up. Conversely, it specifies that certain medical conditions are now considered incompatible with driving, temporarily or permanently.

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