Alysson Paradis pregnant: beautiful photos of her growing baby bump, the radiant actress on vacation

In short, a radiant summer for the actress, who seems more fulfilled than ever … but also for the future dad, Guillaume Gouix, who does not hesitate to comment on the photos of the one who has shared his life for many, many years. Posting hearts or flowers in the comments, he modestly declares all his love for the woman who will soon give him a second toddler!

But don’t count on him to reveal all the details of the birth: he had already explained in an interview with the JDD in 2015 that he did not want to talk about his private life and even less about his role as a father, that he barely discovered at the time. “Maybe you’re interested, but I don’t want to talk to you about my baby“, he explained, before developing: “I like the idea that my life belongs to me. There are plenty of other things to tell. And then, beyond a certain modesty, I think it’s a good thing for an actor to be discreet about his private life. It allows people to believe what they see on screen. We must preserve this mystery“.

Will the two actors be more talkative with their second child? Not sure, but in any case this baby is eagerly awaited by the whole family: their nephews and nieces Lily-Rose and Jack must already be gaga for this new little cousin to come!

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