Alyson Hannigan: Shopping trip with her daughter Satyana who has changed a lot!

Since the end of the series How I Met Your Mother, it is clear that the actress Alyson Hannigan has disappeared from the radar. But not photographers’ lenses! The star was spotted shopping with her eldest daughter in Los Angeles on June 7.

It was under the eternal California sun that Alyson Hannigan was photographed, all smiles, while she was doing some shopping. And the pretty redhead revealed to the general public by the series buffy the vampire slayer and the movies American Pie was in good company! Indeed, we could see at his side his eldest daughter Satyana. Today aged 13, the teenager has changed enormously. She notably gained several centimeters, now seeming almost taller than her famous mom! Long hair, fine figure and girlish look, she is lovely. The star is also the mother of Keeva, 10, born of her marriage to comedian Alexis Denisof. The small family has lived for a few years on the side of Encino, a district located northwest of the mythical landmark of the stars, Beverly Hills.

Mom and discreet actress – however, she played last year in the film Flora & Ulysses available on Disney+ – she had agreed to give an interview to the site Parents in 2021. Referring to his current life, Alyson Hannigan then declared: “Being a mother, I could never have imagined what motherhood is before becoming one. It’s a funny ‘club’ in which one suddenly enters (…) I think I’m a ‘funny’ mom. Obviously all parents are a little stressed sometimes, it would be weird if I wasn’t. But overall, I’m a fun mom, I’ve always been a big kid. It’s a part of my personality that helps me a lot in the end, I always save myself from boring situations with a touch of humor (…) We do what we can with our family, I am a different mother for each of my daughters because they themselves are very different.

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