Alyce, the solution for analyzing road traffic

Better understand the state of traffic, to try to deal with congestion: this is the role of Alyce, a French company that has been in existence for 20 years, and which opened an agency in Toulouse in 2018. Alyce specializes in collecting and the promotion of mobility data, with multiple sources: traffic surveys, household surveys, counts, connected vehicles, etc.

We are mainly aimed at communities, whether large cities, municipalities, departments, regions, but also state services“explains Julie Vegas, the head of Alyce’s Toulouse agency. “Data is alive, and evolves over time. So these communities constantly need to know what the mobility is on their territory, how people move around in order to then be able to make the adjustments“.

To collect this data, Alyce has several means: deploy people to count vehicles on this or that axis, launch surveys online or in the field, count passengers in a bus, etc. “But today, we have developed innovations which will make it possible to position sensors on the territory which will take pictures” explains Julie Vegas. “Then, we have image processing software that will make it possible to categorize the different vehicles in order to know the movement flows“.

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