Alumni of “Star Académie”: Corneliu guilty of drugging Meggie Lagacé

After months of procrastination, singer Corneliu finally pleaded guilty to unknowingly drugging singer Meggie Lagacé and another person, which earned him 100 days in prison.

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“She was walking home after work when he served her a rum and coke and insisted she drink it. She then had symptoms that she could not explain,” said M.e Laurence-Fanny Lestage of the Crown, this Friday, at the Montreal courthouse.

Sitting in the dock, Corneliu Munteanu kept his head down while the prosecutor summarized his criminal actions that occurred during separate events in 2013 and 2016.

  • Listen to the interview with Nicole Gibeault on Benoit Dutrizac’s show via QUB :
Drugs in the glass

During the first event, singer Meggie Lagacé quickly sensed that something was wrong. She wanted to go to the hospital, but Munteanu convinced her it wasn’t necessary.

“In the following months, she felt “continuous distress” and eventually sought help, according to the summary of facts. She then confronted the accused, who confessed and mentioned having “slipped” [du MDMA] in his glass, that he doesn’t know why, but he couldn’t help it.”

The singer, who met Munteanu in 2004 during their participation in Star Academyimmediately ended their relationship.

As for the second victim, he is a man who met Munteanu via a dating site. He had symptoms similar to those of taking MDMA and after confronting the accused, the latter admitted to having put “poppers” in his drink.

Archive photo, QMI Agency

He apologizes

“I recognize my inappropriate actions, I did not want to betray their trust,” said the singer, swearing that it was a “lack of judgment” and affirming that he had no bad intention.

He then swore that he “understood well” and that he would do everything in his power to never come before the courts again.

Judge Patricia Compagnone, however, put him in his place by reminding him that his actions were “illegal and immoral”, and not just “inappropriate”.

At the suggestion of the parties, he received 100 days in prison, followed by two years’ probation during which he must obey the orders of the officer in charge of his case.

The victims, for their part, said they were satisfied with the outcome of the case, the Crown said, explaining that the guilty plea ensured that they would not have to testify about intimate and traumatic events. .

“They can start to look forward and make their healing a reality,” she said.

Given the preventive detention, Munteanu will be able to leave prison this weekend.

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