Alsace organic eco fair in Colmar

The Alsace Eco Bio Fair is THE meeting place for environmental protection, health and solidarity relations, at the Colmar exhibition center from May 26 to 29, 2022. A France Bleu Alsace partnership.

The Eco Bio Fair returns in 2022 from May 26 to 29 at the Colmar Exhibition Center and Congress Center, it is THE meeting place in this area, as essential as it is essential.

Just like the Eco Bio Alsace association which carries this event, the Eco Bio Fair advocates a clear objective: to raise awareness and support a wide public in the protection of the environment and living things, in a spirit of solidarity and promotion of culture. . For this, the public will find a rich and varied offer of exhibitors, but also of entertainment and services.

Through more than 480 exhibitors, the fields of agriculture, food, health, housing, energy, the environment, education, well-being, culture and solidarity relations are represented. Place of meetings, exchanges and discoveries, the Fair does not only want to be a big market but also an interactive platform, a real popular university.

Also on the program: concerts, workshops, films, conferences, catering…

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Prices :

  • 6€ per day
  • €18 for a 4-day pass
  • Reduced rate for students, job seekers: €5
  • Free for children 14 and under

More informations :

source site-36