already separated from Mehdi, she cracks and thinks of the worst…

After several chaotic love stories, Sarah Fraisou seems to have finally found what suits her. A few weeks ago, the young thirty-year-old said ” yes to his new companion. A news that she did not hesitate to share on social networks. ” I SAY YES! (Hoping it’s the right one this time) “, she wrote on September 17 under a series of photos from her wedding posted on her Instagram account. A publication that aroused strong reactions from Internet users.

Happier than ever in the arms of Mehdi, Sarah Fraisou is now a fulfilled woman. ” I found qualities in him that I didn’t find in my other relationships. I didn’t find the flaws that my other relationships had, clearly. Relationships have their ups and downs. As long as there’s no cheating or abuse, he doesn’t disrespect me, and he doesn’t get in the way of my life…everything will run smoothly.”she confided about her darling.

“The Strength to Fight”

Unfortunately, barely married, the couple was forced to separate. The famous reality TV candidate left Tunisia and abandoned her lover to settle some personal matters. A blow for the star of the Princes of Love who has great difficulty overcoming this distance. On social networks, Sarah Fraisou appeared in tears. ” Don’t worry, it’s just the daily pressure that falls in bed at night, even more so when I’m home alone and my husband is away, but it’ll pass, I don’t know where I’m from still find the strength to fight daily on this earth, but sometimes it’s better to cry all the tears in your body to recharge this strength… God is with me so everything will be fine “, first indicated the pretty brunette before adding: “ Crying isn’t a weakness, it’s just that you’re still a human with feelings, emotions and a heart that lets you release the pressure before you explode. “. So don’t panic… No break in sight!


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