already qualified for the 2022 World Cup, France was corrected by China

The French lost twice in three games during this qualifying tournament for the 2022 World Cup.

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The French women’s basketball team, already guaranteed to play in the 2022 World Cup, ended the qualifying tournament with a correction inflicted by China (103-70), Sunday February 13 in Belgrade.

Unable to control Sijing Huang, author of 30 points, 7 rebounds and 6 assists, the Blues have never led in this game. French side, Marine Johannes finished top scorer with 16 points, 5 assists and 3 rebounds.

Largely led since the first quarter time, the Blue concede a new three points.  It's now 52-72, France is trailing by 20 points.

Les Bleues, who end the competition on a mediocre record of two defeats in three games, had obtained their ticket for the final phase on Friday despite the setback conceded against Nigeria (67-65).

That this match was long for the French team, dominated from start to finish by China.  Les Bleues are humiliated with more than 100 points conceded, but they are qualified for the 2022 World Cup.

The bronze medalists of the Tokyo Olympics were indeed certain to finish in one of the first three places, in a group of four, giving access to the World Cup, organized from September 22 to October 1 in Australia. France only won one game during this qualifying tournament, against Mali (77-66) on Thursday.

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