already present in the Second World War, Pierre Richard gives a huge rant and asks everyone to “militate for peace”

Since February 24, 2022, the world has been witnessing an event that we thought was now over. Indeed, Russia has launched the offensive against Ukraine and declared what could look like a Third World War. Since these attacks, many politicians, artists, or even simple citizens, have expressed their pain at attending such an event. Arousing excitement all over the world.

Between emotion and indignation, there is not a day without which a personality takes the floor on social networks to express his anger. Proof of this is with Pierre Richard who took over his Twitter account on Tuesday March 1 to utter a violent rant. Usually filled with humor, especially in his roles that we know him so well, the actor “appeared” transformed and indignant on the social network. “I pity the Ukrainian people whom I love and who are dying. I pity the Russian people, whom I love so much, dragged against their will into this conflict of total absurdity.”he wrote at first.

As a reminder, the actor was born in 1934 and therefore experienced the Second World War as noted by our colleagues from Gala. He knows what such an event represents and the chaos that a war between two countries can cause. This is why he wanted to send a message and call for unity. “Haven’t we learned any lessons from the past? Wasn’t the earthquake of the Second World War enough? I experienced it as a child and today I have no desire to undergo a remake. Everyone, at their own level, must campaign for peace, fraternity and a return to reason”, he concluded. Not sure that Vladimir Putin falls on the tweet of the 87-year-old actor, but this one will at least have the merit of not throwing stones at either side and simply calling for peace.

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