already fired from class, this candidate admits not knowing Julien Clerc!

Does Julien Clerc belong to a time that those under 25 cannot know? This October 18, in the daily newspaper of the Star Academy, a tele-hook candidate was illustrated by her ignorance, during the announcement of the duos for the bonus next Saturday…

“Who is it” Julien Clerc?

After the announcements of the arrival of Juliette Armanet, Amir and Lewis Capaldi, who will each share a duet during the program hosted by Nikos Aliagas, the name of Julien Clerc aroused the curiosity of Léa, a 24-year-old optician. She who opened the ball last Saturday on “Listen“, of Beyoncé, asked about the singer of “Make room for me”, “My preference”, “It’s nothing“, or “Women, I love you”Who is it ?”

>> See also: “Star Academy 2022”: two students fired!

A question that has hallucinated many fans of the program. Music lovers for the most part, and no doubt also faithful to TF1 programs (Julien Clerc was a member of the jury of The Voice, for the 8th season, alongside Jenifer, Soprano and Mika), they did not understand how the academician could have so many gaps in general culture, specifically in French song.

Already out of class!

And this is not the first blunder made by the lovely Léa, self-proclaimed “French queen b” since the beginning of the adventure… This Monday, when it was time for teaching, with her new classmate, Carla, they got kicked out of class. Their wrong? They got on the nerves of Marlène Schaff, their coach, by mocking the performance of their comrade Tiana who sang the title of Lewis Capaldi, “Someone you loved”.

Considering this mockery unacceptable during her course, Marlène Schaff retorted: “Carla and Léa, go to the kitchen and have a glass of water, please go have a glass of water!” Would Léa be the new Jean-Pascal of the star Academy, that is to say an agitator and provocateur? To be continued…


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