Alouettes: Christophe Normand and the desire to give back to youth

During this spring break in the MRC de La Haute-Yamaska, Montreal Alouettes centre-back Christophe Normand leads training sessions to develop the sports skills of young people aged 11 to 20.

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Contacted by the Granby Multi-Sports organization, the footballer jumped at the chance to pass on his passion for physical activity to young people in his region.

“When I was that age, I liked to do sports, says Normand on the phone. It’s a way for me to give back.”

This is not the first time that the 30-year-old athlete has been involved with Quebec youth. Since 2018, he has been organizing development camps for footballers.

“In 2020, just before the pandemic started, I had 110 registrations for my camp. There were 65 school-aged youth who could take part thanks to a government grant. It was very cool.”

The COVID-19 pandemic, however, prevented Normand from holding the last two presentations of his camp. Never mind, he fully intends to resume his activities as soon as he can and maintain them for the long term.

“Helping young people develop in sport and do fun activities is really a goal that is close to my heart. In the greater Montreal area, there are many activities for our young people. When you move away, the offer is less. There is something to do there, ”he explains.

A continuity that pleases him

Regarding his career in the Canadian Football League (CFL), Normand is very excited about the 2022 campaign of the Alouettes.

He welcomed the fact that the vast majority of players playing in attack during the last season will be back in the nest.

“I am very happy to see almost everyone again. It’s really a good thing, because we were already a good offensive unit in 2021. In football, it’s very important to have good team cohesion and to be tightly knit to be successful.

“I love my teammates and look forward to working with them.”

Normand also welcomes the hiring of Anthony Calvillo [entraîneur des quarts-arrière] and Jeff Reinebold [coordonnateur des unités spéciales].”

“I’m optimistic about it and I think it’s just going to make us more competitive. In Reinebold’s case, he’s one of the best in his field in the CFL,” said the Université Laval Rouge et Or product.

See also

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