A few weeks ago, Laure Manaudou and Jérémy Frérot had cold sweats! And for good reason, they too were impacted by the terrible fires that raged in Gironde. As a reminder, the lovebirds were evacuated from their pretty home with their children. “Yesterday, from the path leading to my house, I saw the flames of the forest, it was getting bigger and last night, we had to evacuate, there was too much smoke, it was unbearable. It was coming into the house, impossible to fall asleep, we were afraid of becoming intoxicated and never waking up”indicated the singer for The Parisian.
However, Jérémy Frérot and his better half stayed in the region until things settled down. “Since then it’s been burning, it’s burning, and we can still see these clouds of smoke in front of us”, added the artist who praised the work of the firefighters who “do a crazy job”.“It will come back all the time, these enormous heats are more than problematic […] Pilat will never look like it used to again”.
At the latest news, Laure Manaudou and Jérémy are doing well. Before the start of the new school year, the duo intends to slow down to recharge its batteries. This Thursday, August 11, 2022, the ex-swimmer fed her Instagram story. According to the images unveiled on the famous social network, the main concerned and her darling had a great time surrounded by friends on a beach in the Arcachon basin.
Obviously, the good mood was at the rendezvous! During their aperitif, they enjoyed a beautiful sunset. After dark, the merry troop continued to have fun. Some of them managed the animation of their evening brilliantly…

to see also: Laure Manaudou: separated from Jérémy Frérot, she has found a smile and not with anyone!