Because the situation is only getting worse and the rain deficits in May have not been compensated, or poorly depending on the sector, by the rainy episode of June 9, the Prefect of Isère has announced this Thursday evening having taken an order which “places all the watersheds of the Isère and all the underground management units in level 2 drought alert, with a few exceptions for the interdepartmental basins.“Each of us is called upon to be extremely vigilant with regard to our uses and consumption. In addition, water network managers can take measures to limit uses”non-priority” Of drinking water.
Only escape level 2:
- Major rivers: Isère, Drac and Romanche (vigilance)
- Groundwater management units in Bièvre-Liers-Valloire and East Lyon (vigilance)
- The municipalities of Saint-Clair-de-Galaure, Montfalcon and Roybon which are located in the Galaure and Drôme des Collines watershed and which are already placed in level 3 heightened alert
Restrictive measures
Unlike level 1, of vigilance, level 2 involves restrictions for individuals as well as for industrialists, craftsmen, farmers and even… ski resorts! They are listed below:
– Isère Prefecture
– Isère Prefecture
– Isère Prefecture