almost six years later, a former hostage testifies


Video length: 3 min

Trèbes attack: almost six years later, a former hostage testifies

Hostage of the terrorist who attacked a supermarket in Trèbes, in Aube, in March 2018, Julie Grand decided to tell what she went through. In particular, she recounts the act of bravery of gendarme Arnaud Beltrame, who saved his life. – (franceinfo)

Article written by

franceinfo – T. Leriche, N. Perez, S. Pichavant, M. Urtado

France Televisions

Hostage of the terrorist who attacked a supermarket in Trèbes, in Aube, in March 2018, Julie Grand decided to tell what she went through. In particular, she recounts the act of bravery of gendarme Arnaud Beltrame, who saved his life.

It took her six years to find the strength to speak out and tell what she saw. On March 23, 2018, this receptionist at a supermarket in Trèbes (Aude) found herself face-to-face with a terrorist. “He has the weapon in his hand, he is pacing back and forth on 2 square meters right in front of me, and he is waiting for a confrontation with the police”testifies Julie Grand, ex-hostage.

“Be careful, you’re shaking, don’t kill me without intention”

“He explains to me himself that he has killed enough people, that for him, it is a small action, and that he now has to die as a martyr while trying to do as much harm as possible, targeting the police”, she continues. When the police arrive, the terrorist makes Julie Grand a human shield. He puts a gun to his head and a knife to his back. “Rather stupidly, I said to him: be careful, you’re trembling, don’t kill me without intention.” Gendarme Arnaud Beltrame then decided to exchange with her as a hostage, before being mortally wounded.

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