Alloprof to the rescue of twice as many students in summer classes this year

For many high school students, summer is not synonymous with swimming and outdoor activities this year, but with remedial classes and resit exams. During the month of July, the Alloprof organization meets 7,000 young people in schools, double that of last year, to motivate them and ensure their success.

Alloprof also opens its support services from July 12 to 31. Teachers are available to answer students’ questions Monday to Thursday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., and Sunday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., by phone or chat.

“In recent years, we have realized that young people in summer classes need Alloprof’s services,” says Éveline Trudel-Fugère, communications manager at Alloprof.

This month, double the number of students will be seen by Alloprof teams compared to last summer’s initiative.

“We also have an activity team that goes to schools where there are students in summer to let them know about our services, to also try to give them a little boost,” explains Trudel-Fugere.

The organization’s teams present students with the tools available on the Alloprof site, such as “MiniRécups”, where a concept is summarized in 15 to 20 minutes, or exam simulations. A self-help forum, where students can answer their questions among themselves, is also on the website.

The “most vulnerable” students attend summer courses because it means that they have failed a subject during the school year, or a ministerial exam, explains the Alloprof spokesperson. Successfully completing a summer course allows them to move on to the next stage of their school career.

Last year, the fifth secondary French test, the science and technology exam and the culture, society and technique (CST) mathematics exam were the ones most taken by students during the summer.

According to Alloprof, 20,000 young people are taking summer courses this year in Quebec.

“We realize that it’s now, in the middle of July, when the weather is nice, that’s where the students need a little help,” says Trudel-Fugere. What we want to do is really give them as much confidence as possible so that they can pass their exam. »

Alloprof teams go to classes at the request of schools or school service centres. They are also mobilized at the registration stands for summer courses.

This dispatch was produced with the financial assistance of the Meta Exchange and The Canadian Press for the news.

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