Allier: the inhabitants of Montluçon are fighting to save pediatrics


France 3

Article written by

France 3 Auvergne, C. Fallas, C. Peltin, A. Despres – France 3

France Televisions

A collective has formed to demand paediatricians in the service of the Montluçon hospital. A demonstration organized on Saturday September 17 brought together health professionals and citizens, while the last pediatrician, overloaded, is preparing to leave her post.

Nursing staff, elected officials, trade unionists or even parents came en masse, Saturday, September 17, in the streets of Montluçon (Allier) to shout their anger, their concern and their support for the last pediatrician in the service, who has resigned today. “I came here to save paediatrics, to save my son too, who has health concerns and is hospitalized every month, even every 15 days”claims a protester.

When Hiba Trraf arrived at the Montluçon hospital center in 2018, the service had seven pediatricians. Four years later, she is alone in charge and overloaded. No one has come to replace the doctors who have left over the years. And yet, Hiba Trraf warned, alerted, shouted. Finally she will leave the hospital on October 31st. “We are forced to leave because we no longer support the system in which we work, we are no longer in phase with it. It’s a vicious circle, we’re not even heard“, she lets go.

The management of the hospital explains that continuity of care will be ensured. The next objective of the collective is to be received at the Ministry of Health, so that pediatrics lives in Montluçon.

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