alleged accomplice charged

A man suspected of having helped in his escape Romain Bouvier, one of the alleged murderers of ex-rugbyman Federico Martín Aramburú on March 19 in Paris, was indicted at the end of April, franceinfo learned this Friday from the prosecution. from Paris, confirming information from L’Equipe. He is in his thirties according to the sports daily.

According to information from franceinfo, this man was indicted on April 22, suspected of having assisted one or more suspects. He is accused of having “removes documents or objects to obstruct the manifestation of the truth, concealment of documents or objects obstructing the manifestation of the truth” and to have “provided the means to protect a person from search or arrest”.

According to L’Equipe, this man “would have acknowledged, at the very least, having provided support to help him flee, notably by driving him to the town of Sablé-sur-Sarthe (Sarthe)”, where the latter was arrested on March 23. He would first “found Romain Bouvier after he went to a relative’s house to change, a few moments after the events, and take things to go on the run”, said L’Equipe. According to AFP, he was placed under judicial supervision.

The 42-year-old former Argentinian international rugby player was shot dead after an altercation in a bar in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, in Paris. The two main suspects in this murder are two militants rooted in the extreme right: Romain Bouvier and Loïk Le Priol, a former soldier and militant of the ultra-right movement Groupe Union Défense (GUD) who had fled to Hungary after the facts before being arrested. They were indicted in particular for “assassination” and imprisoned. A 24-year-old woman, Lyson R., presented as Loik Le Priol’s girlfriend, was also indicted for “complicity in murder” and placed in pre-trial detention. She is suspected of having driven a vehicle belonging to Mr. Le Priol on the evening of the incident.

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