all unions call for mobilization from October 13

The organizations are calling for an “ambitious” revaluation of the increase in the price of consultations.



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A demonstration of liberal doctors, February 14, 2023, in Paris.  (ANNA MARGUERITAT / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

The Confederation of French Medical Unions (CSMF) joined the call for mobilization on Monday September 18. From now on, all the unions representing liberal doctors are now calling for a strike from October 13, for the most part in an “unlimited” manner. The organizations are calling in particular for an increase in the price of consultations.

The CSMF, one of the major unions in the sector, “calls on all private doctors, general practitioners and specialists to massively follow this indefinite strike movement and to deprogram their medical activity”, she wrote in a press release. The government must “invest to make it attractive” these professions, she pleads. The four other representative unions launched their appeal in June.

Between 30 and 50 euros for the basic consultation

After the failure of conventional negotiations with Health Insurance last winter, doctors still protested against an arbitration settlement which set the prices for consultations at 26.50 euros for general practitioners and 31.50 euros for specialists, i.e. an increase of 1.50 euros. They demand the immediate resumption of discussions and a revaluation “ambitious”. They charge, depending on the organization, between 30 and 50 euros for the basic consultation.

Doctors are also up in arms against the bill from MP Frédéric Valletoux (Horizons) aimed at “improve access to care through the territorial commitment of professionals”. Many fear that this text will carry the seeds of new obligations for liberal practitioners in matters of “permanence of care”, that is to say in particular guards. All summer long, they also shouted their “indignation” faced with a large campaign of controls of more than a thousand practitioners, judged “too prescriptive” sick leave.

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