“All those who explain to us that it is electoral is ridiculous”, reacts Amélie de Montchalin

“All those who explain to us that it is electoral is ridiculous”, reacted Amélie de Montchalin, responding to criticism of the opposition about “inflation compensation”, 100 euros paid to 38 million French “between December 15 and early February”, in particular to offset the sharp rise in fuels in Europe. “I suggest they go see these 38 million French people and tell them that it will not help them in their lives, that it should not be done for political reasons”, she continued.

“We must, vis-à-vis the French, be responsible, so we respond to the budget”

Amélie de Montchalin

to franceinfo

“We observe that all the European countries around us are doing the same thing, not because there is an election happening or hidden intentions, but because the health and economic crisis that we are experiencing has created a sudden inflationary shock. “, justified the minister. This shock, according to her, is experienced in all Western countries in the same way and calls everywhere “major responses”. “It is not because we would have declared the end of the crisis, that there would be no more crisis, continued Amélie de Montchalin.

Amélie de Montchalin recalled that the inflation allowance was a “emergency measure”, “well targeted” and “effective” to respond to the increase in fuel prices but also gas and food prices. This justifies, according to her, the fact that this aid is not conditional on having a driving license and using your car but on being an employee, scholarship student, fiscally independent, or retired. “We chose to keep it very simple, not to imagine a gas plant where we have to present supporting documents, so we go through the payroll payment pipes”, she explained, defending the fact of “be able to reach all public officials who earn less than 2,000 euros net per month”, “trainees and young recruits”.

Asked about the possibility of putting in place other similar aid measures by the end of the five-year term, the minister did not respond. “Seriousness is to have a course, to hold it, it is to be transparent in front of the parliament and it is to say that we manage a crisis while saying that the ‘whatever the cost’ emergency is over. “

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