All the reactors of the Drôme-Ardèche nuclear power plants should be in operation this winter

Of the eight nuclear reactors at the Cruas-Meysse and Tricastin power plants, only four are in operation.

Two reactors shut down at Cruas-Meysse

Reactor No. 3 of the Cruas-Meysse power plant has been shut down since July 7 for a classic visit, a sort of overhaul. It should restart by the end of October. Reactor No. 4 is also shut down: an automatic shutdown which occurred on Friday following a problem in the engine room. The plant technicians are working on this reactor for a restart in the coming days.

At Cruas-Meysse, reactor No. 2 will soon be shut down for refueling. EDF will replace used uranium rods with new rods.

Two reactors shut down in Tricastin

It’s a bit the same thing for Tricastin’s No. 4 reactor: it is shut down to replace a quarter of its fuel.

Reactor No. 3 is also shut down for its ten-year inspection: an in-depth inspection which takes place every ten years and which gives rise to a restart authorization from the nuclear police. The reactor was to restart in August but EDF is pushing the investigations. This is to detect possible corrosion problems.

All reactors in operation at the start of winter

EDF ensures that the eight reactors of the Drôme-Ardèche power plants will be in operation by December, at the start of winter when the demand for electricity is highest. In mid-March 2023, conventional maintenance operations will resume with reactor No. 4 at Cruas-Meysse.

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