“All the money goes to the tax authorities”, one of Laeticia Hallyday’s closest friends testifies to her chaotic financial situation…

A few days ago, Johnny Hallyday’s relatives celebrated his birthday in his memory. Nice tributes have circulated on social networks. That’s what did Laeticia Hallyday by sharing a magnificent photo of her and her late husbandon Instagram. This photo was accompanied by the following message: “It’s not a day like any other, it never has been. How many memories, parties, music and love on June 15 to celebrate you. Tears mingled with joy today in a clear sky, a star will shine more than the others in the firmament. It will enlighten the hearts of millions of people at the same time and ours in particular. It will remind us that you are here, with us, for eternity. Happy birthday. I love you forever”.

As new revelations have been made about Laeticia Hallyday especially on the fact that she would have done everything to keep him away from his loved ones, other information has recently fallen about the debts left by the rocker to his widow. These would also be estimated at 32 million euros.

Designated as the sole beneficiary of his will, Laeticia Hallyday did not only have advantages with the inheritance of Johnny Hallyday. Whether it’s because of the war waged by David and Laura who were disinherited or because of the debts left by the owner. After an agreement with the children of her late husband, the beautiful blonde finally chose to settle the entire amount due to the tax authorities alone.

That said, this choice had many consequences in the life of Laeticia Hallyday, according to Jean-Claude Camus, historical producer of Johnny Hallyday. “The situation of Laeticia and the two little ones is not good”, he confided to the microphone of Cine TV Review while saying that she “was left with the burden of tax debt and no one else”. Moreover, the mother of Joy and Jade had to part with her house in Los Angeles and the last home of the star in Marnes-la-Coquette to get by. “And all the money goes to the IRS”, underlined the relative of the singer. A long and costly fight to have peace.


See also: Laeticia Hallyday sick?

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