While the government is considering the establishment of a disciplinary council from primary school, the parents’ federation believes that this would be a useless system. She urges the government to instead recruit more qualified personnel.
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For Grégoire Ensel, president of the Federation of Parents’ Councils (FCPE), invited Monday April 8 on franceinfo, the establishment of a disciplinary council from primary school is not necessary since “all the mechanisms exist to respond to a child who is not doing well” and “remember that a framework is respected, have educational and proportionate sanctions that make sense”.
He was reacting to the wish expressed by the government to set up disciplinary councils from primary schools to combat violence around middle schools. An announcement which comes after the death of Shemseddine, 15 years old, beaten on Thursday April 4 when leaving his college in Viry-Châtillon (Essonne) or the attack on Samara, 13 years old, in front of his college in Montpellier on April 2 .
Recruit more adults
“It has been said, what is missing today are adults to deal with the suffering and the need for reframing of children”explains Grégoire Ensel who confides that he does not understand “the authoritative speech of the government”. “That means doctors, nurses, psychologists and today it is clear that there is a lack of adults to deal with children.” he believes.
For the president of the FCPE, instead of setting up disciplinary councils from primary school, it is necessary above all “absolutely reinvest, react and allow the school to act by providing qualified, competent adults available to ensure that an appointment with the psychologist does not take months.”