The president of Nexity and co-president of the National Housing Refoundation Council was the guest of 8:30 a.m. franceinfo on Monday January 29, 2024.
Reading time: 25 min

Véronique Bédague, president of Nexity and co-president of the National Housing Refoundation Council, was the guest on 8:30 a.m. franceinfo on Monday January 29, 2024. She responded to Salhia Brakhlia and Jérôme Chapuis.
“All indicators are red”
The housing sector “is blocked”deplores Véronique Bédague, CEO of Nexity, on franceinfo Monday January 29. “Leaving housing in the state it is in today is contributing to the blockage of society”denounces the boss of the leading French real estate group. “The routes of the French are frozen” And “all indicators are red”she adds, specifying that the demand for real estate loans has fallen “by 50%. IThere are twice as many rental requests and 20% fewer rental offers“.
“We need to find an advantageous tax system for investment”
For the CEO of Nexity, who co-chaired the National Housing Reform Council, one of the factors in the housing crisis is also real estate taxation: “There is real work to be done, she declares, because [les propriétaires sont] many taken. Today, it is investment in new construction that is collapsing the most.”. Véronique Bédague adds that the increase in seasonal rentals, which also causes a shortage of housing, is also a consequence: “We must find an advantageous tax system for investment, but which does not favor tourist accommodation“. According to her, “we should already enforce the regulations, and limit these rentals over time”.
Watch the interview in full: