all sports are affected warns Colossus with feet of clay

Don’t let the violence gain ground“. This is the slogan of Colossus with feet of clay. Founded in 2013 by a former rugby player victim of sexual assault during his childhood and adolescence, the association fights against all forms of violence in sport.

It’s not just sexual violence“explains Fabien Robert, referent of the association for the Pays de la Loire. ” Moral violence, physical violence are frequent because in sport, we already have a relationship with the body that is different. We take it to its limits sometimes. And so, we also have this notion of pain or acceptance of the effort which can bias certain behaviors which, seen from the outside, are considered violent behaviors.“. Sexual assault, hazing, harassment, all sports are affected but “pPotentially, the risk is greater for individual sports since we end up with dual relationships between practicing coaches“. Example in skating where former coach Gilles Beyer was indicted for harassment and sexual assault in January 2021. Several skaters including former champion Sarah Abtitbol have denounced his actions which have been ignored.

free speech

Because clubs and leaders sometimes stifle these cases recognizes Fabien Robert ” Unfortunately yes. _Sometimes, the structure’s policy is that we don’t talk about it outside, we settle it between us so as not to tarnish the reputation of the structure or where athletes who are sometimes high level_. Today, if we intervene in clubs and structures, it is so that there is total transparency to help the victims, initially, and then that it does not happen again.“.

It is still necessary that the victims can express themselves. ” They must come out of the fear or shame that the aggressor brings to find the courage to speak. It’s really the first step, it’s to talk. For a child, to find an adult he trusts to be accompanied and then be able to put procedures in place“.

Advice and techniques to prevent the risk of aggression

Colossus with feet of clay offers tools to prevent the risk of aggression. “We offer leaders a charter of recommendations based on testimonials and real situations“. By first identifying the spaces conducive to these drifts. ” These are changing rooms, showers, transport, accommodation“The association reminds clubs of a few simple gestures.” In changing rooms, for example, the door must remain closed so as not to encourage voyeurism by adults or other people. ” Another example, children and teenagers are asked to have their cell phones turned off and in their bags. It prevents them from taking photos or videos with each other.“.

And then Fabien Robert insists on this culture of vigilance of club officials, especially when recruiting educators. ” Professional sports educators are required to have a professional card which they must renew every five years. And it is thanks to this card that the Ministry of Sports can have access to files and see if this adult has the right to supervise minors“As for volunteers, the federations are in the process of setting up extensive integrity checks to control those who have supervisory or managerial functions.

The association Colosse aux pieds d’Argile and the CDOS de la Sarthe are organizing a public meeting this Thursday evening in Montval-sur-Loir. See you at 7 p.m. in the Foubert room.

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