all outgoing deputies re-elected in Ardèche

No change in Ardèche for this second round of the legislative elections. The voters of the department voted for the men they know, and re-elected all the incumbents.

In the first constituency in Privas, Hervé Saulignac for the PS and supported by the Nupes, wins against the RN candidate Céline Porquet with 60.05% votes. But Hervé Saulignac can hardly savor his victory this Sunday evening, he is positive for covid. What he savors, however, is his score, because he is the best elected in the department. The deputy assures “there is no triumphalism” but this clear and net result satisfies him: “Faced with the national rally, halftones must be avoided.” Hervé Saulignac adds: “I am happy to register more than 20 points difference”. When the re-election of the three outgoing deputies in the department, the socialist deputy sees it not as a reluctance of the Ardèche voters in the face of new faces :”‘but on the contrary, the ability they have to recognize that when a deputy does his job well, he is kept!”

In Annonay, the minister Olivier Dussopt presidential majority candidate Together wins 58.86% votes against Nupes candidate Christophe Goulouzelle in the second constituency. The very relieved Ardèche deputy was in tears this Sunday evening at the announcement of his victory. But on paper, this constituency rocks it was socialist in 2017 and is now a presidential majority since Olivier Dussopt himself changed his label between the two elections. If he is confirmed as minister, it is his deputy Laurence Heydel Grillere who will sit in the national assembly.a substitute who is also the leader of the Marconist party in Ardèche.

In the Third district of the Ardèche in Aubenas, Fabrice Brun for the Republicans largely made up for its delay in the first round. Faced with the Nupes candidate Florence Pallot, he more than doubled the number of his voters between the two rounds and obtained 57.11% votes. The outgoing Republican deputy gathered 11,000 votes in the first round, he went to 25,000 in the second round. His analysis of his re-election can be summed up in one sentence: “the people of Ardèche have chosen the Ardèche!”. And Fabrice Brun had predicted it on the evening of the first round, for him this second round would have a local dynamic against a national dynamic.” The two candidates (from the constituency note) are progressing, but _we can see that when the people of Ardèche feel that the Ardèche is threatened and well the people of Ardèche mobilize_. I leave my opponent at 6,000 votes behind”. However, the Republican knows that he is not in the majority party in the assembly and adds: “The line is very clear, neither alliance nor merger with the majority and we will negotiate text by text with the majority to advance our ideas.” To be published

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