“All of this sounded hollow” and was “disconnected”, denounces Valérie Pécresse

“It all sounded hollow” and was “disconnected from the reality of Europe”, comments Thursday, January 20 on France Inter Valérie Pécresse, the Republican candidate for the 2022 presidential election, the day after her rival Emmanuel Macron’s speech in the European Parliament for the French presidency of the European Union.

>> Valérie Pécresse was the guest of the “presidential mornings” of franceinfo on January 10, 2022.

“Emmanuel Macron’s speech started on the wrong lines. His objective is to oppose the progressives and the populists in order to bring up the populists. It was very interesting because it shows that in reality the speech of Emmanuel Macron is disconnected from the reality of Europe which today is led by the republican right”, she asserts.

“I believe that Emmanuel Macron’s speech disappointed many Europeans because they felt that the French presidency of the Union was being hijacked in favor of a presidential campaign.”

Valérie Pécresse, Republican presidential candidate

at France Inter

Candidate LR believes that Emmanuel Macron declaimed “petitions of principle with big words and concepts that we have already heard ten times”, that he was not “not up to the challenge” and that he is a specialist in “thunderous declarations which tense, which divide and which make that it blocks the progress of a European defense”.

“Basically, there was nothing, for example on the carbon tax which will be a micro-carbon tax – we were told a carbon tax of 15 billion, it will be one billion, quotes Valérie Pécresse. There was nothing on the energy policy of the European Union at a time when we all know very well that this energy issue is crucial both in ecological terms, in terms of European sovereignty and in terms of power to ‘purchase. There was also nothing on how we are going to regain control of the borders which is a major issue, that of the European migration pact”, she concludes.

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