The Emirati Sultan al-Jaber defends the massive presence of industrialists and businesses at the 28th climate conference, which opens Thursday in Dubai.
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“Everyone needs to be part of the process.” Five days before the opening of COP28 in Dubai, its president, the Emirati Sultan al-Jaber, defended, Saturday November 25, in an interview with AFP the massive presence of industrialists and businesses during this new climate conference. He insisted that the private sector was essential to slowing down greenhouse gas emissions.
“Everyone must take responsibility and be held accountable”said Sultan al-Jaber. “This includes all industries, including high-emitting industries such as aviation, transport, aluminum, cement, steel and the oil and gas industry”, he insisted. COP28, from November 30 to December 12 in Dubai, promises to be record-breaking in terms of participation, with more than 70,000 participants expected, including Pope Francis.
“Reducing risks for private capital”
A thousand leaders of businesses and philanthropic organizations are registered for a meeting which will be held over two days in parallel with the summit of heads of state and government, on December 1 and 2. Around twenty commitments should be announced by companies on this occasion, according to its organizer, Badr Jafar.
Since his appointment in January as head of COP28, Sultan al-Jaber has tirelessly demonstrated his desire to involve the private sector in financing the energy transition or the adaptation of countries vulnerable to global warming. “We must help reduce risks for private capital. We must provide the necessary assurances and hedging mechanisms to protect, encourage and incentivize the private sector to join efforts to solve climate finance challenges”he detailed to AFP.