all eyes on Europe, the new epicenter of the virus




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Across Europe, a rebound in the Covid-19 epidemic is notable. The Old Continent has become the hotspot of the virus, the cold and too low vaccination rates raise fears of facilitated contagion.

All eyes are on Europe. On the Old Continent, the Covid-19 is spreading, becoming the new epicenter of the virus. In Germany, there have been 15,500 new cases and the incidence rate has never been higher since the start of the health crisis. “I have a bad feeling, it reminds me of the most serious moments of the pandemic”, worries a woman. The UK has 29,800 new cases. The cold coming from the North would partly explain this upsurge.

Worse yet, in Russia, 39,400 new cases have been recorded. The low vaccination rate worries only 34% of the population. The WHO is sounding the alarm and fears 500,000 additional deaths in Europe by February if the pace does not drop. Countries announced new measures. In Austria, a PCR test is no longer enough to go to a restaurant, German regions have strengthened the health pass while in Ukraine, officials and unvaccinated teachers will be suspended.

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