With an average amount of 150 euros, it benefits the lowest 20% of households, or more than 5.6 million households.
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“There will be no losers.” The Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, assured, Monday February 5 on France 5, that “all those who are entitled to the energy check” in 2024 will receive it well. Several family or consumer associations (CLCV, Afoc, Rural Families, Cnafal, UFC, Unaf) had reported during the day the risk of seeing a million beneficiaries excluded from the system “while they meet the criteria to obtain it”.
The minister acknowledged that “for a number of technical reasons”some of the recipients risked not touching it. “The associations did a good thing in reacting, a good thing in reporting the problem, we resolved it”insisted Bruno Le Maire.
An online complaints desk
Distributed since 2018, the energy check is paid once a year in the spring. With an average amount of 150 euros, it benefits the lowest 20% of households, or more than 5.6 million households, to help them pay for their electricity.
This check is paid according to tax income and the composition of the household in the accommodation, determined according to the housing tax. “As the housing tax is abolished, it is more difficult to identify accommodation”, explained Bruno Le Maire. New households, students for example, or those whose income has fallen may therefore not receive the check. An online complaints counter will therefore be set up for those who have not received the check at the end of the sending campaign, which takes place in April and May, Bercy told AFP.