Already tested in 200 establishments, this expanded reception system will be generalized at the start of the next school year, the Minister of National Education announced on Friday.
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All colleges located in the priority education network will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the start of the September school year, as part of the extension of a measure implemented this year in 200 colleges, announced the Minister of Education. National Education, Gabriel Attal, Friday December 15. In total, 600,000 students in France will benefit from this system in 1,100 establishments, he said.
In establishments which are already experimenting with this organization, students are welcomed “before their classes, after their classes, with breakfast served to them in the morning”, according to Gabriel Attal. A support “in helping with homework, for sporting and cultural activities and for orientation activities” is also proposed, he said.
This announcement, the realization of a promise from Emmanuel Macron against “educational inequality”is judged “quite problematic” by the main secondary school union, Snes-FSU. Its general secretary, Sophie Vénétitay, deplores “a form of generalization without assessment” and regret not having “never got a response” on the organization of the 200 colleges which have experimented with the system.