all about the shelf life of our food

When you have a deadline on the packaging of a product, and it has passed or is about to…the reflex very often is to throw it away… and nothing original…20% of this that we waste is the result of an outdated date.

There are several dates

DLC, DDM, DLUO… to believe that everything is done so that we get lost, I will take stock:

DLC is the use-by date: this is a date that must be respected, and beyond which there may be a danger to your health.

And the DDM (minimum durability date) replaces the DLUO (optimal use-by date): once the date has passed, the product loses its taste or nutritional qualities (lower vitamin content for example), but does not is not hazardous to health, it can be consumed.

You can eat without worrying a product that has passed the date of minimum durability

Yes.. But you have another landmark to help you find your way around. The way this limit is indicated. If it’s day/month/year: you can exceed it by three months, if it’s month/year: you have a year and a half.

Moreover, we are beginning to see in certain shops and supermarkets shelves that only contain products with short dates.

With great discounts. It’s true that for a DLC a supermarket can’t sell a product that won’t be good in 48 hours except for the most fragile foods, and it’s the same thing for the DDM: so he prefers to sell at low- cost rather than throw away or give away. And as much to say that consumers are asking for more, according to a survey published in 2021: 97% of French people are in favor of specialized departments on short dates…

A source of savings

50 to 90% savings… You recognize these departments because they are often identified by the words “anti waste”. Don’t deprive yourself of it, but be careful not to overconsume and waste anyway in the end… It’s in any case a good way to save money and a nice gesture for the environment because we waste too much…

Besides, there are foods that cannot be thrown away.

It’s true: coffee, honey, alcohol or sugar can last for years… Same thing for cans, pasta or rice: they can be consumed years after the MDD limit. .

Do you know a way to save money, or earn more money? Contact Valère Corréard.

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