Alizée, “anxious” mother: touching confidences on the departure of Annily

In addition to seeing her daughter fly on her own, Alizée is worried about the balance of the family she has formed for almost 9 years with Grégoire Lyonnet, met on the set of Dance with the stars and thanks to whom she gave birth to Maggy, 2 years old. She, who was happy to give a little sister to her eldest after so many years, now sees the pattern repeating itself: “I feel like I’m going to have a second only daughter because she won’t be around. The baby will grow up on her own. I have a little anxiety about that, to relive this thing of the only child when this is not the case because they are very accomplices, very fusional, very close, and it will be great.

There “mother hen“that Alizée says she knows she doesn’t really have a choice:”Given the life I’ve had – I’ve traveled the world, my parents at 15 followed me and allowed me to have this life – (…) I really want her to do what she wants. And if she can get up every morning and tell herself that she’s lucky to do the job she’s going to do, that’s still really good.“A perfect mom!

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