Alix (Koh-Lanta) saddened by the cheating buzz: big regret and revelations about her adventures

Cases of cheating come somewhat taint this season of Koh-Lanta 2021 which promised to be legendary, like the adventurers who participated in it. This year, only emblematic candidates had the chance to fly to French Polynesia to experience, once again, an extraordinary adventure. But it is above all the scandal that has made people talk in recent weeks, a situation that we regret Alix Noblat.

After participating in Koh-Lanta the 4 lands in 2020, the charming blonde has agreed to once again experience the adventure Koh Lanta. Thus, she rubbed shoulders with Claude Dartois, Laurent Maistret, Jade or even Coumba. Unfortunately, it’s not really the performance of the adventurers that is the buzz lately, but rather the cheating business. A sad observation for Alix who wanted to speak on the subject this Friday, December 10, 2021, on Instagram. “My first adventure @ kohlantatf1 changed my life in many positive ways. Since then, I have more confidence in myself, I have been able to overcome many obstacles and I have met beautiful people including @mathieu_kohlanta who shares my life today. The second was a little more FUNKY. I felt in danger very quickly, but being a player I was ready to do anything to go as far as possible, a very different and intense adventure but just as thrilling“, she first wrote.

Mathieu’s companion therefore regrets that the press only talks about cheating, “even accusing some and some wrongly“.”I feel sick. Today we talk a lot about the admitted rout but are we talking about the surpassing of oneself caused by this ADVENTURE ? I have the impression that readers need to be reassured by reading that we have enough to eat and that we sleep in hotels. ANECDOTE: on my first adventure in Fiji one night after a tip I was so cold I cried thinking I was going to die. On the second during the grapins test I remember the torrential rains to the point of interrupting the test and sticking to each other to warm us up …“She continued. And she could have told many more stories like this, because that is what truly characterizes Koh Lanta.

And “lone of the most incredible things“and all the support she can receive on a daily basis on social networks. Messages that warm her heart, especially now.

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