“Alive”, Karin Clercq | The duty

In addition to the world-class phenomenon stars — Stromae, Angèle — French-speaking Belgium in recent decades is almost always in survival mode. Having led a dual career for twenty years, actress on one side, singer on the other (defending her own repertoire), Karin Clercq commands admiration and demonstrates extraordinary tenacity: how did she do it? to hold on, grow, flourish? The answer is here, in twenty titles which celebrate both the first album, Women X, published in 2002, and the journey since then. The early songs implore, in search of existence, those later revolt, denouncing the inadequate role given to women, to arrive at those who impose themselves (in the aptly named album Pandora’s box). The performer retraces the path with all the mastery of the actress, fragile then strong, slender then serious tone, increasingly manifest joy. Supported by friends rallied for the occasion, carried by a string quartet, Karin Clercq shines and shines. Looking forward to seeing you again in Quebec.




Karin Clercq, Gabal/Freakville

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