Alister and his anthology of French song blunders

Every evening from Monday to Friday at 7 p.m., Emilie Mazoyer offers us a summary of musical news. This evening, Alisterwhich presents the new edition of its Anthology of blunders and other curiosities of French song.

The singer Alister on the hunt for “blunders” in French songs

Alister, singer but also director of the magazine Schnockpublished in 2014 a formidable Anthology of blunders and other curiosities of French song, published by La Tengo. Yes, because in the same way that there remain typos left by the proofreader in a book or that the figure skating champion sometimes misses, the French song also conceals its pearls and its failures.

Alister is Emilie Mazoyer’s guest to talk about the small or big mistakes he has identified in French songs © Radio France

Alister is coming today to introduce us the new edition of this anthologyrevised and expanded, with supporting examples.

Decibels, the chronicle

Too busy wondering if, after the air-conditioned football stadiums in the desert, we could not launch the tropical ice rinks at 35 degrees for the next school holidays? Have you neglected the music news a bit? Not serious, Emilie Mazoyer tell you everything.

Today, the surprise covers of Clara Luciani, the end (?) of Shakaponk and the 65th birthday of Catherine Ringer.

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