aligot has been eaten in Aubrac since the 12th century



Article written by

B. Garguy-Chartier, P. Maire, A. Pacary, S. Fell, L. Bleuzen – France 3

France Televisions

It was in the 12th century that aligot was born on the Aubrac plateau, a local dish par excellence. This mashed potato is obtained thanks to the volume of Aubrac, certified PDO. The dish can be eaten even in summer.

Since 8 a.m., Stéphane Rue has been preparing an ancestral dish: the aligot. The dish contains 1 kg of potatoes and 400 g of tome fresh. You have to have a hand. The chef du jour has 25 years of experience behind him. It all starts at an altitude of 1,200 m. Sophie Soulier, farmer, leads a herd accustomed to the conditions of the Aubrac plateau. Twice a day, she does the milking.

In the 12th century, aligot was used to feed pilgrims passing through a monastery. The tradition crosses the centuries and in the 1960s, it is even celebrated in the streets of the village. In a cheese dairy, we make 1 ton of fresh tome per day thanks to milk, certified PDO since 1961. 24 hours later, the aligot is ready to eat.This is delicious“, says a woman.For us, it’s folkloric, but it’s fine“, reports a man.

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