Alicia (Married at first sight) hospitalized and exhausted: her situation continues to deteriorate, she explains…

Unfortunately, the situation does not improve for Alicia. On October 17, the candidate of Married at first sight 2022 (M6) gave its news on Instagram. And they were unfortunately not good as his community could hear.

On October 11, Alicia revealed that she was hospitalized. Because of the treatment for Covid-19, she had pancreatitis as well as drug-induced hepatitis. She was thus under morphine and underwent a battery of examinations, including blood tests. And as she revealed on Monday, the results were bad. “I thought I could go out today because I felt good. I eat, I’m no longer infused… But I don’t go out. The reason I don’t go out is my balance sheet yesterday deteriorated when it is supposed to improve. I had a new blood test and if it deterioratedI switch to the Nice University Hospital [elle est actuellement à Cannes, NDLR]. So I hope it will get better, I have hope“, confided the beautiful blonde of 28 in a first time.

In addition to sharing a photo of her arm full of bruises, Bruno’s wife tried to explain what was wrong, without using overly complicated medical terms. “To sum up, there are channels that are abnormally widened in certain places. These channels help in the proper functioning of the biliary, hepatic and pancreatic tracts. It has enlarged abnormally because of my painful crises which are created by pancreatitis. But pancreatitis is created by a concern that is strongly suspected. You have to do exams“, she continued.

Shortly after, Alicia received the results of her last blood test. And unfortunately there was no improvement. “Echo-endoscopy for the continuation, blood test tomorrow (like every day since Tuesday). I confess to you that the time is long. I feel like I have a little less patience“, she concluded. There is no doubt that in this ordeal, she can count on her relatives to support her as best as possible, including Bruno who does not hide his concern for his wife.

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