Alicia (Married at first sight): Her opinion on Carine’s behavior finally given

Alicia (a 28-year-old nurse) and Bruno (31-year-old civil engineer), 83% compatible, were almost upstaged by Carine during the episode of Married at first sight 2022 March 28, on M6. Many viewers have decried the behavior of the sister of the charming brown. Alicia therefore wished to break the silence on Instagram, Tuesday, March 29.

If she was playful at the wedding, Carine lost her footing during the evening that followed. Very quickly, the young woman told Laura, Alicia’s best friend, that she was very possessive or that her brother was “tiresome“. She had the same speech with her new sister-in-law. A behavior that shocked many Internet users. The young woman was therefore strongly criticized on social networks.

But out of the question for Alicia to let this pass without reacting. The day after the broadcast, she therefore took to her Instagram account to make a small update in story. “When we’re filmed like that, it’s not easy. And when you take an interview of barely two minutes over an entire evening where great things are happening… Everyone present remembers that it was rich in emotions and perfect. (…) It’s not the same on TV. Even I don’t feel like I’ve been to the same wedding dinner when I watch“, first confided the beautiful blonde.

Alicia then explained that she did not intend to respond to people who sent her private messages to criticize Carine. “I don’t agree. I think he’s a great person, full of values ​​and who deserves all the happiness in the world.. The most important thing is that I liked it and I will always like it. Don’t forget it’s TV“, she concluded.

Before her, it was Bruno who wanted to speak on social networks to defend his sister. He also claimed that the evening went very well and that his sister did not spend her time crying. “Of course things have been said, too many emotions perhaps. I won’t hold it against her because she’s my sister, I know her“, he had specified. For her part, the main interested party had justified herself to TV Magazine. The opportunity to discover that it was the stress and the fear that Alicia was not sincere that made her react in such a way “excessive“.”I always got along very well with the people he dated. But there, the context was different”she concluded.

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