Alicia and Bruno (Married at First Sight) remain married and reveal a surprise during the balance sheet

From the beginning of the adventure Married at first sight 2022, Alicia and Bruno are on cloud nine. As soon as they met, the 31-year-old construction engineer and the 28-year-old nurse fell in love. But the fears and warnings of Carine, the candidate’s sister, brought some concerns to the beautiful blonde.

Knowing my brother, I know he goes up very fast and he comes down just as fast“, Carine confided to Alicia during a lunch. Worried, the latter wanted to raise the subject with Bruno after taking the time to think. Because a few days later, they were going to meet the experts to say if they wanted to stay married, so Bruno tried to reassure her and Alicia made it clear that her sister-in-law should give her her rightful place.”I fear for both of us. I am not well“, confided the beautiful brown.

Alicia and Bruno then neither saw nor contacted each other for several days in order to make the right decision before finding Estelle Dossin and Pascal de Sutter. They first took stock of their adventure. Alicia notably discovered the difficult images of Bruno’s announcement to his family concerning his participation in the adventure. The young man still blamed himself for having made his dad cry that day, but did not regret at all having continued the experiment despite everything, because he was happy. A shared happiness.

The final verdict

Bruno took the opportunity to let it be known that today, his sister Carine was more reassured about her relationship with Alicia. And he made his wife understand that he was going to give her the time she deserved. A joy for the beautiful blonde.

Unsurprisingly, Bruno and Alicia announced to Estelle Dossin and Pascal de Sutter that they wanted to stay married. They even revealed that they had the wedding date engraved on their ring as well as their initials. Before leaving, they promised to do everything to make their story work. “The work was completely sloppy, you were too quick. With Bruno we made our calculations and they are not good. We had to recalculate, we counted 96%joked Alicia.

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