Alicia and Bruno (Married at first sight): Panic within the couple after a big mistake

A thunderbolt as we like them! In Married at first sightif there is a couple that has matched it is the one formed by Alicia and Bruno, 83% compatible. An obvious chemistry was born between them as soon as they met and this was confirmed during their honeymoon in Portugal. Alicia was so comfortable there that she finally revealed to her husband what had happened to her six years ago: the accident that caused the death of her older sister, at the age of 23 and the scars she keeps.

Trust established, it was then very difficult for them to part at the end of this enchanted parenthesis. This is why, only two days after their return to France, the 28-year-old nurse and the 31-year-old works engineer hastened to take turns crossing the 150km that separated them (she lives in Aix-en- Provence and him in Mougins). Bruno thus had the opportunity to see the parents of his beauty again and reconfirm his good intentions towards her.

The following weekend, it was at the young man’s house that they met and where small couple habits were already emerging. But while everything was going well, disaster struck. Indeed, while Alicia had taken her cat Olympe with her, this one disappeared one fine morning. Bruno had unfortunately left all his windows open, he who lives on the ground floor. The animal therefore had an easy opportunity to escape. After looking in every corner of the apartment, Alicia’s concern was growing. “I’m starting to panic, she never go out, she ain’t home“, she hammered with anguish. It was then that she addressed his first reproach to Bruno reminding him that she had specifically asked him not to open the windows. The charming brown remained calm despite everything and everyone went on their own in search of the feline around the residence. But Bruno was already fearing the worst. “I make 1000 scenarios and it’s not good. I imagine Alicia telling me that it’s my fault…“, he worries. Will Alicia and Bruno end up finding Olympe? We will have to wait for the next episode to find out!

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