Alice Nevers: Marine Delterme announces a “grandiose” final and delivers initial information …

Last spring, the news was made official: after 18 seasons, TF1 decided to put an end to its iconic series Alice Nevers, the judge is a woman. The interpreter of the first role, Marine Delterme, still had the opportunity to say goodbye with great pomp by buckling an ultimate double episode during the month of October. The latter is entitled Cavalcades and will be released in 2022.

During an interview for Leisure TV, in the number published this November 15, 2021, the actress who has given life to the assistant prosecutor for twenty years gave a foretaste of what awaited fans of fiction. And it promises to be memorable. “It will be a grandiose episode, in the world of jockeys and horse races, shot in Granville, Deauville and Mont Saint-Michel … And especially with a wedding at the end! We will find all the actors who have accompanied my journey in the series for twenty years. It’s a thank you to the fans and to these actors. It will be moving“, she announced.

a happy ending therefore for Alice Nevers and for which Marine Delterme is not for nothing. “I didn’t want the end to be tragic. I wanted a positive ending, and it does. People need light, peace and joy after this year. I found it important to offer this finale to viewers“, she stressed to our colleagues.

And, as difficult as it is to close this chapter of her life, Marine Delterme is already ready for the rest. Indeed, the mother of two children confided to feel a “great feeling of freedom“Now that she’s definitely put away her role as prosecutor.”I see this as a stage where I can grow, strong with all my experiences. I will use it to fly away elsewhere“, she analyzed.

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