Alfie Barbeary (Wasps) in UBB’s sights?

The information was published on Tuesday in an article in the daily The Telegraph. While all the players of the London club have been dismissed, some are the object of envy.

Among them, Alfie Barbeary, 22-year-old number 8, a heavy ball carrier and a player who scores a lot, already author of ten tries in 25 Premiership matches.

The risk of the Top 14

The French public discovered him last January during the Champions Cup match against Toulouse and then in April, in the Challenge Cup this time, where he scored a hat-trick in Biarritz.

According to the British newspaper, Barbeary would also be in the sights of three English clubs including Bristol, where a former Union member, Semi Radradra, plays. The UBB, faced with the departure of Woki and Roumat, as well as the injuries of Miquel, Petti and Lachaise, did not hide the fact that it wanted to strengthen itself in this sector. She also recently went looking for Italian Renato Giammarioli
in Worcester.

It remains to know the player’s position on the personal consequences of a departure to the Top 14 knowing that one year from the World Cup, he is at the gates of the English selection. He was part of the extended group retained by Eddie Jones for the last 6 Nations Tournament and for the Summer Tour. But does not appear in the one that prepares the next November Tour.

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