Otherness is a great promise in itself: a first album in more than 13 years, featuring 10 new tracks by Alexisonfire. With all the experience accumulated by its members, the Canadian group returns with a sound that has nothing to envy to its past proposals.
Posted at 4:30 p.m.
The band of Dallas Green and George Pettit have made their merry way, each on their own, in recent years – whether with the projects City and Colour, Dead Tired, Dooms Children or You+Me. More than 10 years after their separation and their goodbye tour, the five Ontarians are reunited again within Alexisonfire, and it’s as if nothing had changed.
The cohesion between the voices of the two singers is still so divine. These so distinct markers allow this new disc from Alexisonfire to install the comfort of what we know. Instrumentally speaking, the cadence is also familiar, although a new texture is added to the melodious compositions. For example, we come across an almost gospel moment on Dark Night of the Soul or on an invasion of synthesizers in the introduction of Survivor’s Guild. The tones are sometimes gloomy, sometimes frenetic, almost inhospitable. Other times, we are caught up in a moment of celestial, even cosmic music. The perseverance of the riffs makes certain pieces hypnotic.
The perfect Without sun, third single announcing the return of AOF, is proof that Alexisonfire relies heavily on the talent, the voice, the presence of Dallas Green. On this song written by guitarist Wade MacNeil, the City and Color singer leads the vocal score. Green’s musical arrangement and interpretation is enough to make it one of our favorites from Alexisonfire’s repertoire.
A piece like Blue Spade also reminds us that the combination of the melodious and lively voice of Dallas Green and the boisterous singing of George Pettit forms what we appreciate the most about Alexisonfire. If he manages very well alone, the first sees his performance raised by that of the second.
Alexisonfire had more to tell us. We welcome that. What a pleasure it will be to see this album come to life on stage!
Alexisonfire will be at the MTelus on July 14 and 15, then at the Festival d’été de Québec on the 16.

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Dine Alone Records